- Yes quite a few times. ( U.S west coast) Once while driving over a bridge over a river which made it difficult to steer. Thought I had a flat tire until I realized the bridge was twisting and rolling.
7.2 was the strongest one. It’s amazing how much a house can flex without damage. Mine is newish and is bolted to the foundation and has metal earthquake straps that were poured into the concrete and attached to the frame of the house. I ran downstairs during one earthquake and could see the walls on either side of the staircase , flexing. The kitchen cabinets flung open and the lights were swaying but there was no damage. Not even a crack.
Unlike hurricanes etc, you have no warning with earthquakes and they leave you feeling a bit “ rattled” for a day or so. All you can do is be prepared and hope one doesn’t hit and if it does, it isn’t too bad.
We are told to have extra food and water etc on hand in our homes and in our vehicles in case we get stuck somewhere if one of the many bridges / overpasses goes down. Most of them have been recently retro-fitted or had seismic upgrades, so fingers crossed. 🤞🏻
Glad to hear you’re ok.